Modern Plating Techniques

Modern plating plays a vital role in todays era of gastronomy as it represents the image of the restaurant & the quality of food being served to the guests. The very first appeal of the food is being enjoyed by the diners equally through eyes & the palate too. There are number of factors that decides the plating patterns , to name a few are as follows :

1) Selecting the right plate is the key to the attractive food presentation.Choosing the right size of the plate, choosing a contrasting plate color which is very significant like white plate adds more contrast to the dish in comparison to others.
2) Placing your ingredients right.Another rule of thumb is to keep the moist ingredients like sauces first & then place your food or accompaniments on the sides.Make sure not to overcrowd the plate.
3) Add more of the details to the plate like colors & contrast of the vegetables, meats & sauces.Use different textures to enhance the dish like crumbles, crisps, purees.

Gone are the times when the clock position is being considered to plate the food , nowdays the elements have to be in proportion to size, taste , textures, appearance , the colours. Different patterns are being used to look the plate more vibrant, lively & full of colours , if need be.
Some like it a normal splash of the sauce , or a simple brush of it, monochrome pattern of the food where all food elements are in contrast with one single colour including the platter itself.

The dish should please our eyes, sense of smell , taste , touch . we must take into consideration the balance & texture of every small ingredient & how it plays in the composition of the plate.In addition, keep the dish simple & the golden rule applied is less is more. The prime focus should be the quality of your ingredients & execution of your tachniques in cooking. Add heights, use more contrasting colours that go sync with the dish & the plate.

Different tools used are as follows :

1) Brushes
2) Palette Knives
3) Deco spoon
4) Spoons
5) Squeeze bottles
6) Tongs & Tweesers
7) Chef Knives
8) Peelers
9) Pastry Bags
10) Skewers

Different garnishes that adds up the next level to the plate can be described in different catagories.

1) Crumbles
2) Crisps
3) Gels & Reductions
4) Puffs & Grains
5) Powders/Dust
6) Fresh Garnishes that include edible flowers, microgreens , red radishes, Nasturtium , Purslane , Fresh fennel , pea shoots .

Different forms of Plating may be classified as :

1) Abstract : This means to make plating like random styles, it can be splash of the sauces, or simply brushing them or may be the drops of the same.
2) Linear : Making straight or parallel lines to the main protein or vegetables gives a more elegant look on the plate.
3) Landscape : Keeping all the ingredients at one single level creates a better uniformity.


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